EDC - Egyptian Drilling Company
EDC stands for Egyptian Drilling Company
Here you will find, what does EDC stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Egyptian Drilling Company? Egyptian Drilling Company can be abbreviated as EDC What does EDC stand for? EDC stands for Egyptian Drilling Company. What does Egyptian Drilling Company mean?The based company is located in engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of EDC
- Export Development Corporation
- Exhibitor Designated Contractor
- European Documentation Centre
- Error Detection and Correction
- Estimated Date Of Confinement
- Error Detecting Code
- Engineering Data Control
- Electronic Digital Computer
View 167 other definitions of EDC on the main acronym page
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- ERNPL Era Realty Network Pte Ltd
- ECC Elgin Community College
- EPC El Paso County
- EDT Education Development Trust
- ECC Essex County College
- EIL Everest Industries Limited
- ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- ECNU East China Normal University
- ECSU Eastern Connecticut State University
- EGH Elkhart General Hospital
- EEG Empire Education Group
- EMP Enable Midstream Partners
- EBE Elizabeth Board of Education
- EWBC East West Banking Corporation
- ETPL Endurance Technologies Pvt. Ltd.